Apartheid Museum
There are many events that lead to apartheid. This page describes the history of South Africa before and during Aparthied.
Pre-Apartheid and Apartheid History
There are many events in the pre-apartheid era that lead to the start of apartheid in South Africa. When the Boers came to South Africa they did not have a lot of money. Since they did not have a lot of money and they had to lay off people they enslaved the people from the Khoisan groups. Over time the Boers began to harbor an extreme racial prejudice toward the African people. This eventually formed societies were the white people were superior to the black people. Soon after the British came some of the Boers began the Great Trek. They left to form republics were the was a big difference between the whites, blacks, servants, and masters. During the Mineral Revolution The Africans worked in the mines without pay. This enforced the race-based distinctions with the British and the Boers. In 1910, The Afrikaners (the Boers) and the British joined together to form the Union of South Africa were only white people could vote.The main things that led to apartheid were when the british and the boers were at the head of society and the Africans were at the bottom.
Pre-Apartheid History

Apartheid was a system that was used to keep certain people on top with the others on the bottom. Apartheid lasted between 1960 and 1993. In the 1960s Apartheid officially began after the Afrikaner National Party invented it. Apartheid was invented to have control over the economy and the social structure. It kept white people on the bottom and all the other groups, the colored, black, and indian, on the bottom. During this time there were many anti-apartheid groups like the African National Congress(ANC) and Nelson Mandela was the leader of the ANC. In the year 1976 more people were no longer submissive to apartheid. In the years between 1990 and 1993 negotiations were made that would eventually end apartheid. After the Afrikaner National Party invented and set apartheid in use it lasted for many years. During this time many people fought to end apartheid. Apartheid in South Africa eventually ended in 1994.
aApartheid History